Figures of Strength

Who has touched you in your life and how as it impacted you as a person?

I started typing and erased because, truly, I cannot sit here and thank each and every person who has touched me because many of you are a huge aspect of my life. I know I would certainly miss someone and I don’t want anyone to feel left out or that I’m not thinking about them. So, because of that, each and every person that I know has touched me in one way or another. Some have touched me positively, some not so positively, but I have still learned. They have been there through kindness, laughter, tears and struggles. Many have helped me out in serious binds. Others have encouraged me when I was down. Some just lent their ear to listen and their shoulder to lean on. The little pieces our friends offer us are sometimes the most important things that keep us going. They are priceless and treasured. We appreciate these acts of kindness because they help make life possible. It has impacted me in ways that I can’t even imagine. The negative people have impacted me in ways that help me realize not to take bullshit from anyone. They have taught me to keep my guard up and realize that some people just like to be nasty and mean. I have learned, from them, that speaking up for myself and being powerful and strong will keep me going. No one can take my happiness away from me. From those who are positive in my life, I have learned to extend kindness, share happiness, be understanding and allow mistakes to happen. Whether or not people have touched you in good or bad ways, remember that you learn a lesson from each person. Take those lessons and make life great.

Positive Thinking

I used to be a very negative person and truly, with depression, it’s difficult to be upbeat, optimistic and see things in a happy light. But, it has been a process and I’ve worked very hard to see the good in things as my days go by. I do have my moments when I still look down on things and when I get frustrated about life, but I certainly am no where near where I was a few years ago. It really irritates me when things are negative all the time. It’s about finding a silver lining and trying to think of something good to off set the bad. I know we can’t always control it but some people just seem to douse themselves in negativity. And I always wonder why. I wonder if people can’t see what an impact it is having on them, those around them and that people don’t want to be around negative energy. I know I used to see the impact, but it was hard to do anything about it because I seemed stuck. I’m not saying that if one doesn’t have depression that they can’t be negative or have days when they are down. What I am wishing for people, though, is that they choose to try and see the positive. If someone mentions the good to you and tries to lift you up, don’t knock their help down with more negative emotions. If someone tries to help you out of the hole, don’t cut the rope. Choose to grab it and be pulled up instead. Therein is today’s question….

How will you choose to be more positive in your life?

The Message

I’m not sure what today’s message was. Today was crazy though. It was filled with anxiety, stress, frustration, confusion, conflict, some tears but I also received uplifting and wonderful words from good friends. Dog Park 9-11 006Some great words by, Ram Dass, inspired today’s blog topic. The quote reads, “The next message you need is always right where you are.” I may be experiencing lots of emotions as I find myself, but I’m doing what I can, one step at a time and I’m looking for the message to keep me going.

So what have I learned today? I have learned that I have more bravery than I think. I have also learned that the true friends I have really care about me and understand me. They want me to feel good and happy and they will do whatever they can to help me be alright. Perhaps the message partially relates to the fact that although I feel very alone when I have panic attacks and spells of massive anxiety, I’m not. I have people that are willing to surround me, embrace me in a hug, lift me up, and remind me that I am capable. Aside from that, maybe the message of today was that although I’m not quite where I want to be, I have made massive strides, huge progress and if I continue to work hard, things will come together.

Dog Park 9-11 009I will say, today took a lot out of me. I’m mentally drained. So, my goal for the rest of this evening and tonight is to be calm, relaxed, let go of the stress and negativity and take care of myself. Physical health begins with mental health. I’ve got some work today, but I will cross the finish line. 1, 2, 3…..breathe.


Today has been a wonderful day so far and I’m just smiling because of it. I’ve mentioned perception before and we even spoke about perception in one of my classes today and realized just what a powerful impact our thoughts have on our feelings and our actions. We always here of the half empty/half full glass scenario and while sometimes we just have to be allowed to vent and let the negative out, but sure to realize that this should be a healthy process to remove those bad thoughts and feelings to allow room for the good to come into your soul. 556676_4926550318729_1123635821_n

Positivity plays many roles in our every day lives. It determines how our day goes due to our outlook and it determines the relationships we have because no one wants to be around someone who is constantly negative, along with so much more. Being positive radiates outward as does negativity. The more positive energy you put out there, the more will bounce back your way. Being positive can happen in a variety of ways. It could be in the form of a smile, the words of encouragement, a genuine gesture, a kind compliment or an inclusion for someone who could use some cheering up. Good feelings rub off on others. Just think about the last time you had a wonderful experience or felt really positive. We are drawn to those experiences because they make us feel good. These thoughts and memories allow us to feel less tense, stressed and anxious.

481845_4926602640037_1015123756_nOn that note, I think I’ll head outside to play with the dogs for a bit. We are supposed to get some more chilly weather as mentioned on Friday in my blog post. We have a 60% chance of snow and that is quite unusual for the south Texas area. Regardless, though I am not a fan of the cold, I will try a positive take on this and consider that perhaps I’ll get the morning off tomorrow from class and be able to take the dogs to play in the snow. Along with that, it will provide an opportunity for beautiful pictures, another day to sleep in so I’m well rested and extra study time to prepare for next week’s tests. How will you approach the day? Will you choose to radiate positivity and light? It just may help someone else feel the happiness!

“The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become.” -Unknown