Very Lucky

I consider myself quite lucky this semester. Sure, classes are difficult and there are piles of homework. But, it could always be much worse. I’m at one of the best universities in the world, getting a quality education and I’m surrounded by wonderful people. I am learning life lessons and my eyes are being opened to a variety of new things I never would have thought about before. I am being taught by some the most accomplished people who have dedicated their hard work and time to share what they know with me. Today, I want to talk about my inspirational genetics professor. He is a truly fantastic person. One can easily tell that he is absolutely enthralled with the subject, passionate about sharing the knowledge and wants to see his students succeed.

I talked about good instruction yesterday, but I am going to emphasize it here, as I truly believe that a great teacher can make the process more enjoyable. When you have trouble you want to be able to ask questions. When you are curious or have a question you want answers. When you don’t do well, you want to be reminded that all you can do is your best and that life can be tough but you can persevere. When you do well, you want to celebrate and enjoy the success and feel good moments. Dr.Ellison is genuinely a wonderful process and I am so thankful that I signed up for his course. It is a subject, I myself, have always been curious about and the things I am learning are things that will impact me in the future. I am a firm believer that we take back something out of everything we learn. We just may not know it yet. So, yes, I am very lucky. I am lucky to attend Texas A&M University. I am lucky to have the ability to get a quality education. And I am very lucky to have a wonderful professor to support me along the way!