
I feel I need to write about perseverance because today has been a long and draining day. Despite the freezing temps, sleet and freezing rain, Texas A&M still made us go to class earlier this am which I wasn’t too excited about. Mainly this was because freezing my butt off is something I don’t particularly enjoy and I didn’t want to risk getting hurt. Luckily I made it to class and back home safely. A good nap followed but then it was to the arch-nemesis, Physics. Ice 003

I’m not sure what it is about Physics. I hate it. It has never been my subject. Unfortunately no matter how much I seem to try and grasp the concepts, it just doesn’t click. Despite that, I’ll continue to do my best and persevere to get through it. If anyone magically knows how to do Physics and is a genius at the subject, would you care to be my new best friend? Perhaps I just need to grow some extra brain cells…

Throughout the busy and frigid day, the dogs have been absolutely fantastic as always. They napped and cuddled with me earlier and tonight they are happily chewing on cow horns while I relax, watch TV and unwind. How did I get so lucky? They always seem to remind me that even after a long day, I have something great to come home to and two dogs that take each day for what it is and always wag their tails.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” -Marie Curie